
Implementing Change Without Weirding Out Your Team

As a change maker, you have a lot of tension to manage. 


Leaders are rewarded and promoted for results, so in theory, going against the grain and doing things that get you better results is good. 


On the other hand, there’s a fine line between subverting a process and being in noncompliance with it.


We kind of know this instinctively: unless you’re in an organization that tolerates a lot of difference and a lot of diversity, you can’t stand out too much. 


But if you can effectively manage this tension between being tasked with getting better results, and not being “too weird,” you will see tremendous value. You will learn faster, work with more creativity, get more done with less stress, and build stronger relationships with the people you work with. 


Learn more about how to manage this tension better by watching my video: 4 Tactics for Implementing Change Without Weirding Out Your Team.



If this resonates with you and you’re interested in learning a new way of leadership and bringing it into practice in your organization, let’s chat.


Click here to book a free leadership exploration call. We’ll focus on your context and your challenges to see whether what we’re doing in the C.L.E.A.R. Path to Executive Leadership might be a good fit for you.