
Be curious about your impact on people

Do you dread difficult conversations? 


Confronting issues with colleagues, employees, partners, or family members can be a significant source of anxiety and stress for many of us.


Maybe you try to avoid these conversations by assigning them to someone else to handle.  Maybe you procrastinate until the last possible moment to schedule them, secretly hoping that the problems will magically resolve themselves. 


If you find yourself spinning your wheels imagining the worst-case scenario outcomes to these conversations, you’re not the only one.


The culprit of our confrontation dread is often rooted in our fears about how our words will impact others.


Will they be furious?  Will they blame us?   


How do we move past the fear of our own impact? It starts with a pretty simple shift.


If you’re curious about how you can make peace with difficult conversations, I invite you to watch my new video: 

I hope it will help you turn hard conversations into opportunities for learning and growth.


In many ways, this work starts with yourself. Listening can trigger a lot of anxiety. If that sounds like you, take a look at my post on working with anxiety, linked here.



Don’t Ask Your People to Be Brave

As leaders, we all know the value of honest feedback. Chances are, you do your best to encourage it in your workplace. What CEO doesn’t claim to have an “open door policy” when it comes to suggestions from their team?


But when you request feedback, are you asking for it in a way that requires people to be brave as they speak truth to power? Do your folks feel safe sharing what they are really concerned about? How can you be sure they aren’t holding back for fear of retribution?


My new video, “Don’t Ask Your People to be Brave” explores a few methods you can use to create a culture where sharing concerns and suggesting changes feels more like a fun and creative exercise and less like testifying in a courtroom. Give it a watch if you want to learn how to get honest feedback from your team and make the most of the great minds you have surrounded yourself with.


Do you know someone else who would find this advice useful?


Share this video with them!

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